
Disqus Comments

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Disqus Comments

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The live site and see how the plugins work-

  1. Live version: Remove unused CSS in WordPress
  2. How the plugin works: Lazy-Loading Disqus Comments


  1. Add missing height when JS is unable to load.

  2. Disqus shortname: A shortname is the unique identifier assigned to a Disqus site. All the comments posted to a site are referenced with the shortname. The shortname tells Disqus to load only your site's comments, as well as the settings specified in your Disqus admin.

    Disqus Admin > Settings > General > Shortname

  3. Unlimited Elements for Elementor Widget

  4. JavaScript related to Disqus is inline and it will load in the Footer tag if you enabled JS Always in Footer in Unlimited Elements with Elementor General Settings. Not necessary to load in the <footer> tag but good Performance practice


  1. Elementor.
  2. Unlimited Elements with Elementor (add-ons).
  3. Add this PHP using Code Snippet Plugin or edit theme function.php to deregister comment.js (this will disable WordPress comments) or you can use the Asset CleanUp or Perfmatters plugin.
    // Remove comment-reply.min.js from footer
    function disable_comment_reply(){
    wp_deregister_script( 'comment-reply' );

    or Admin > Asset Clean up Settings > Site-Wide Unload For Common CSS & JS Files > Disable Comment Reply Site-Wide


  1. Troubleshooting: if the Disqus Comment is not loading properly, just make sure you scroll up to the top of the page and then scroll down, this way the comment will start loading.
  2. Caution: If you delay JS on Execution or combine your JS, make sure you exclude the Disqus comment JS (you need to test it).
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